

What is The Adventure Bros?

The Adventure Bros. Is a Channel where I upload videos of things I find cool like on adventure or just something intresting,

and also original content that I produce and upload online.


How many Bros Make up TAB?

TAB's Name was a play off of the classic NES Game Super Mario Bros, and although It is plural. There is only me (1 Person) who runs all of TAB. 


What Type of Content does TAB Make?

TAB's Content is mostly Categorized into Nolstalgic Videos, Adventure Videos, 


How Is the Content Made?

TAB's content all starts with an Idea. Once I come up with an idea of something to film,

I go out shoot the footage on a digital camera or camcorder, import it to my PC

and Edit in Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11.0. 

TAB's Logos, Channel Artwork, and Intros are all made by the talented DanRock Productions:

You can check him out on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/c/roadrunner8855  


Why Does This Website Look Like it was made in 1996?

The Reason this website looks like it was made in 1996 is because I am a Nolstalgic Nutcase.

I actually built another version of this website with modern technology, and .css, and xhmtl.

But after looking at it for a while I thought it looked extremely mediocre and close to so many other independent sites nowadays.

So I took a Nolstalgic Trip back into the Late 90s/Early 2000s and decided to make a site that would like like a classic website from the 

1990s and stand out from the others (Even if thats not the good part about it).

So I decided to build this site, hand coding the whole site with .hmtl, and adjusting it to make it look as the sites from years ago did.

Websites back in the day weren't close to what they are today. Google a picture of the Amazon.com Website from the 90s.

So yeah, basically its because I'm a nolstalgic Nutcase, and I actually made a very very VERY Bad website in about 2006/2007 on geocities (back when it existed),

which gave me some experience and taught me .html coding.


How Often Will This Website Be Updated?

I will try and keep this website updated very often, (yeah lets see how long that will be).

But if you would like to find other updates from TAB you can go to TAB's Twitter Page @TheAdventureBr1

or check TAB's Youtube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/the2adventurebros